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Haven America

Bourbon Street Party Horse Post Painting


Haven America

Bourbon Street Party Horse Post Painting


This Horse post is the sister piece to "Bourbon Street Brunch Horse". An equal compliment to bookend the beautiful fun pair. They work well as his and her gifts for your favorite lively couple or place in the entryway to welcome your guests to your cheerful festivities.

The strategic highlights were meant to enhance the flowing mane of the horse and ridged edges of the banding. The multiple colors cause the hitch to glow in a bright neon sense emulating the bright lights that illuminate Bourbon Street. The thin whitewash over the rainbow of color raises the horse off the background mimicking the subtle morning fog that creeps over the quarter streets in the early morning hours after a long evening on Bourbon. 

The fine glitter detail on this painting is original to this specific horse post. Every Mardi Gras this horse post is given a glitter bath, so much so that this horse is permanently glittery!

Mixed Media: Paper on wood panel, with Acrylic, and Oil Pastel

Original Painting Size: 26"W x 32" H x 2" D

Full Print: 20" W x 30" H
Half Print: 12" W x 18" H

The original is a one-of-a-kind mixed media painting. All Paper Prints are photo prints from the original.

Paper Descriptions
Semi-gloss, bright, white art paper with a satin finish and medium weight. Sharp photographic reproduction.

See this and other originals at our gallery:
Gallery Haven is half a block from Royal Street in the French Quarter, 621 Toulouse Street, New Orleans. Our gallery is filled with this, and other locally made New Orleans-inspired art.

©2022 Slippin Southern LLC and Gallery Haven, all rights reserved.