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Haven America

Calm Study: Daughter of Navarre


Haven America

Calm Study: Daughter of Navarre


This original painting is entitled Daughter of Navarre and is a part of the Calm series. The Calm Series is inspired by the tranquil serenity while visiting the beach Susan escaped to while evacuating from Hurricane Ida. 

The blowing wind and crashing waves are often a white noise allowing one to connect oneness with nature that we often overlook. A delightful escape from reality into a playful and joyful world.

This painting depicts a young woman on the beach.

Size: 70"H x 22"W x 2"D
Medium: Acrylic on deep cradled wood panel

Complementary framing in any of our five colors, White, Black, Grey, Lt Wood, and Rustic Brown.

The painting was done at our New Orleans studio in Uptown by gallery owner and local artist Susan Havens-Morris.

Gallery Haven, located in the French Quarter,
621 Toulouse Street, New Orleans

©2021-23 Haven Contemporary and Slippin Southern LLC, all rights reserved.