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Haven America

Tennis Court | Life Collection


Haven America

Tennis Court | Life Collection


"Tennis Court"

This original painting is currently on display at the Ogden Museum of Southern Art in New Orleans. This art exhibition runs through January 2023. The painting is owned by a private collector and is gracious on loan for this exhibition.

Susan was honored as one of the 2022 Louisiana Contemporary Artist select by Museum in August. Read more here about this exhibition.

The painting features three girls having completed their tennis matches. The middle girl has won a trophy.

One after school activity I was in for many years was tennis. In my childhood, tennis camps like these would have a program at the end of the season to have all the kids compete for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place and receive small shelf trophies. In this painting I wanted to highlight the importance of the trophy as a kid, it felt bigger and more rewarding. I wanted all the imagery to be fuzzy like remembering a memory because thats all I can do it remember the last time I remembered.

This piece is created by Susan Havens-Morris. The Life Series is based on moments, events, and things from Susan's childhood during the 70's and 80's. 

Diptych Size: 48" H x 72" W 

The original painting -- SOLD

Acrylic and spray can on stretched canvas

Buyers have the option to choose one of six complimentary framing options. Contact us directly for options.

The painting was done at our New Orleans studio in Uptown by local artist and gallery owner Susan Havens-Morris.

©2022 Haven Contemporary and Slippin Southern LLC, all rights reserved.